Toronto Deck Upgrades & Custom Storage Solutions
Deck repair upgrade installed by Fix-It Friend handyman in Toronto, transforming your deck into a functional and stylish space with custom carpentry in Toronto.
deck fence repair install fix it friend handyman toronto

Decks are a great way to enjoy time outdoors. However, sometimes they need a little tweaking to make them work best for our needs. Decks that are raised off the ground are great candidates for closing in the underside to create outdoor lockable storage. This can be accomplished using lattice and treated lumber or cedar. Our favourite is privacy lattice has a tighter spacing which gives more of a closed in feel, but still allows for airflow. We like to drive stakes into the ground to anchor the frame unit at the bottom and to frame the lattice making a sturdy unit which can be installed to close off the underside of a deck.

Another benefit of closing in the underside of a deck is to keep animals out which can potentially make a mess (this includes pets as well as those pesky city critters!).

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